Sunday, March 7, 2010

How To Motivate Yourself

Motivation serves as a big help in achieving what you want in life. It inspires you to keep going, maintain a level of commitment and stay focused on what you want to attain. However, motivating yourself is a big struggle that is constantly assaulted by negative thoughts and anxiety about the future. Everyone faces depression and doubts, but what separates the highly successful from the lesser mortals is the ability to keep moving forward. You have to understand your thoughts, drive your emotions, nurture motivating thoughts, neutralize negative ideas and focus on the task at hand, to gain momentum. Read through the following lines to know the tips on how to motivate yourself and accomplish your goals and plans.
Tips For Motivating Yourself
  • Be specific while setting goals for yourself . The key to motivation is setting definite goals that you can attain as well. Unrealistic goals will only lead to a low morale.
  • Do not pick goals that sound good,but are difficult to achieve,such as New Year’s resolutions. Set goals that make your life easier and more rewarding. It will be easier for you to focus on them and achieve them as well.
  • Cut out pictures or images of the goals that you are aiming at and place them somewhere you can see them everyday. They can be the car, TV, stereo or golf clubs that you want. Visualizing the items as yours will help keep you motivated.
  • Start out with small goals in the beginning. If you make a long list of things you want to achieve, you are probably likely to mess them all and come back to zero. Make a list for each day instead, with only 3 to 4 things or a set of activities covering 2 to 3 hours.
  • Goals and mental attitudes are just like pushups. Initially, you feel terrible to work towards them, but gradually you build up the strength for the same. Do not set up for failure by reaching too high at first. Pace up yourself gradually.
  • Cultivate motivation in your habits. Believe in yourself, gain confidence and achieve victory.
  • Your own opinion matters the most in your life, but only till the time it is realistic. Do not think that you are the best; prove yourself by dealing with your responsibilities successfully.
  • Do not hesitate to reward yourself on completing a task. This will enable your mind to recognize and aim towards achieving the next goal, so that you treat yourself once more.
  • Do not feel lost if you fall. Get back up and start again from where you are comfortable. Keep on trying, till you achieve what you want.
  • Organize your time and space. Work out something that will allow you to build on your motivation and achieve your goals. This will help you get to the place you had actually wanted to be at.
  • Think about your past achievements that motivated you. This will encourage you to move ahead and achieve more goals.

Personal Goals In Life

The moment we are born, we join a competition and end up competing with everyone around, including ourselves. By the time we are old enough to boast of surging hormones, we are asked to set our goals, which will decide the way we live our lives. Goals are supposed provide a definite direction to our lives and help us identify our final destinations. So many of us set goals at a time when we should be enjoying, and by the time we think we have achieved all our goals, we feel that something is missing. That is because we reach stagnation after that. Many of us do not know that goals are to be changed and ‘updated’ from time to time. Also, most of us might think that goals are only associated with career; contrary to that notion, goals are all-encompassing and are also include the personal and familial life of a person. Even as a person aims to reach to a certain level in their career, they might want to get a six pack abs! Here are a few personal goals that will make your lives worthwhile.
How To Set Personal Goals In Life
Here are some ways to decide upon various personal goals that you may want to set for yourself. Though education features first on the list, you could set your goals with first priority on something else – you must remember that these are not in the order of importance or significance. You could device your own priority list.
This refers to any kind of knowledge that you may want to acquire, when you can do it or when you can devote time to it and how long would it take you to do so. Some people might decide to get a certain degree or attend classes after many years of having worked just to keep themselves updated about what is happening in the industry. Others may want to start with the profession only after they have acquired that knowledge. You should know when it is time for you to enhance your knowledge or acquire some new skills.
You must have set goals about the profession that you are following. It is like asking yourself the very typical interview question – where do you see yourself after a stipulated amount of time. There is no point in reaching stagnation in your career and studies prove that people cannot be satisfied with their jobs or professions until it offers them challenges and more responsibilities at regular intervals. You should have a clear idea about where you wish to reach in your life. It is one goal that you cannot afford to lose track of. Employers also invest more in people who know where they are headed.
When you set out to work and began to work, you must have thought of the amount of money you will need to build a home of your own, what all you will need for it and so on. You might also want to know what you do with that money. You may want to keep track of your daily expenditure to know how much money is going in which direction, so that you can cut down on wasteful expenditure. If you plan to buy or build a house or acquire other assets, you may have to plan ahead as to how much money you will have to save for it.
Community Service
Many youngsters, even as they work and earn, support many causes that may touch a chord with them – some of them may want to associate themselves with AIDS awareness or may spend some time taking care of differently abled children or some others may want to lend a hand at the Helpage India Foundation. Whatever be the cause that you want to associate yourself with, make sure you stick to it. You should also know why you are associating yourself with the cause and how much time you can devote to the cause as a volunteer and in which way you can contribute to the cause that is close to your heart – whether it is spending some time with homeless veterans at Helpage homes, preparing to lend services as a volunteer for various activities or so on.
Men and women have responsibilities towards their families, the ones they were a part of, as well as, the families that they build. You will need to ask yourself what kind of responsibilities you have towards your family members, your parents, your siblings, your children, your spouse, parents-in-law too. These responsibilities are not only in the material sense and go beyond the monetary duties. It could be in ways like helping your child with his physics lessons or helping your wife cook lunch every day because she is going through a painful menopause! It could also be in the form of taking care of ageing parents or, sometimes even parents-in-law. You have to know how much time and energy to devote for the family, which is your prime reason for earning a living.
कल मेरी मुलाकात

एक रूह से हुई
एक पवित्र और सच्ची रूह से
मैंने देखा उसको तड़फते हुये
और भटकते हुये
मैंने महसूस किया
उसकी धड़कन को,
मैंने पूछा-
क्या मैं ही तुम्हें देख सकता हूँ?"
उसने कहा- "हाँ सिर्फ तुम ही-
मुझे सुन सकते हो,
देख सकते हो
और महसूस कर सकते हो"
मैंने पूछा-
लेकिन तुमने शरीर क्यों छोड़ा?
वो तड़फ उठी,
उसकी आँखों से नफ़रत बरसने लगी,
मैं सहम गया !
वो मेरे करीब आकर बैठ गयी
और बोली-
मुझे नफ़रत है उस दुनिया से
जिसमें जीवन शरीर से चलता है
उस दुनिया में बस छल है
कपट है, फरेब है।
मैंने भी फ़रेब खाया है
उस दुनिया से
तो छोड़ दिया शरीर
उसी संसार में
और ये देखो-
ये है रूहों का संसार
ये बहुत अच्छा है तुम्हारी दुनिया से।"
मैं अपलक उसको देखता रहा
बरबस मेरी आँखे छलक पड़ीं
मैंने भी खाया था धोखा
उसी दुनिया से।
हम दोनों की एक ही कहानी थी,
तभी शायद मैं उसको
सुन सकता था, और महसूस कर सकता था।
मैं गहरे सोच में डूब गया
रूह मेरे अन्तर्मन को पढ़ चुकी थी
क्योंकि वो रूह थी
एक सच्ची और पवित्र रूह
उसने आगे बढ़कर
मेरी ओर हाथ बढ़ाया
मैं भी इन्कार कर सका
अपना हाथ उसके हाथ में दे दिया
और अचानक
मेरे पैरों के नीचे से जमीन निकल गयी
और मैं
पहाड़ी से नीचे गिरा
मैंने देखा था अपना शरीर
गहरी खाई में,
निर्ज़ीव शरीर
और मैं उस रूह के साथ
उड़ता चला गया
एक खूबसूरत दुनिया में
जहाँ छल, कपट
और फरेब नहीं होता।